Everything You Need To Build Your Leadership Skills and a Successful Team

CURRENT is an Online Community for Leaders who want to continuously learn, grow and develop their leadership skills with other leaders. This also provides a community for veteran leaders to keep their leadership skills fresh and current with ongoing challenges and to share their experiences with other leaders.

It provides Leaders access to two new online video courses every month, along with 4 'live' zoom calls with training and Q & A time, and a private membership forum to keep the discussions and questions going 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

This was specifically designed for team leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to excel and create S.U.P.E.R. teams that will reach their greatest potential. And it takes into consideration your busy schedule as a leader by offering on-demand replays of all the live calls.

The CURRENT is only open to new members a couple of times each year and is getting ready to open its doors for a very limited time. Be sure to reserve your spot in the community now by getting on the waitlist and be one of the first to receive details of when the cart will open, what is included, the incredibly low price, and fantastic BONUSES... and for the special deal of $25/month!

We hope to see you in the CURRENT soon!


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